
Nutrition plays an important role not only in health maintenance, but also because different life situations and illnesses can necessitate a special diet.


Discounted Dietetic Consultation Until April 30th!


The first dietetic consultation is now available with a 20% discount until the end of April. Zsuzsanna Kókai will help you find the nutrition plan that suits you best.


Don’t miss out, book your appointment today!

During our nutritional counseling, we help to create a balanced, varied diet, and also special diets for particular conditions (e.g. diabetes, lactose intolerance, food allergies, celiac disease, overweight etc.).

When should you go to a nutritional therapist?

Special diet related to an illness:

  • Digestive problems (e.g. GERD, gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, IBS, so called irrobale bowel syndrome)
  • Metabolic diseases (e.g. insulin resistance, diabetes, hyper- or hypoactive thyroid, PCOS)
  • Cardiovascular, vascular problems (e.g. high blood pressure, high cholesterol level)
  • Food allergies and intolerancies
  • IC/bladder pain syndrome


Lifestyle changes:

  • Overweight: achieving ideal body weight
  • Pregnancy: ideal weight gain, gestational diabetes
  • Children’s eating problems


Our dietitian asks for a detailed patient history, then, based on individual needs, laboratory results, risk factors and analysis of the food diary, she draws up a diet plan. The next consultation is recommended after 4-6 weeks, when we make new suggestions depending on the changes you experience.

Doctors from this specialty

Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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