Chiropractic care postpartum

In the midst of the excitement and things to do with the baby, we can tend to forget about the mother’s health.

Chiropractic care postpartum

Childbirth is not, however, an everyday kind of strain for the spine and the pelvis, especially if she has been through a complicated delivery. After childbirth, the mother faces many changes again.

The mother’s center of gravity and hormone levels change, milk production begins breast size changes from day to day, etc. And though the hormone relaxin is no longer being produced, its effects can still be felt in the joints. The enlarged breasts, constant bending position and holding the baby pull the shoulders forward and strain the lower back and the spine, making lower back pain and back pain quite common. Stretched out ligaments and joints can make mothers feel that bending and moving their legs and arms, as well as walking, is more difficult.

How can chiropractic care help mothers?

Chiropractic treatment can promote and speed up postpartum regeneration and relieve pain caused by restricted posture. It helps give back freedom of movement and helps joints to move back into place through expect manipulation of the joints and special series of movements. In addition to treatment, the chiropractor gives useful advice on critical topics such as which position to sit in or hold/lift/rock the baby and how to carry a car seat, etc.


Does chiropractic care also help the baby?

Several developmental defects can develop as early as the intrauterine developmental stage that can later turn into posture defects (such as inclined head posture), which can worsen after birth.  Chiropractic care plays a significant role in correcting and treating such defects. You can find further information about our pediatric chiropractic office by clicking here.


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