Cardiac surgery

Our cardiac surgeon is available for patients for consultations, advising, pre-operative preparation, and post-operative checkups.

Cardiac surgery

In what cases should you turn to a cardiac surgeon?

  • Heart valve disorders and coronary disorder testing
  • Surgical evaluation, pre-operative consultation and preparation
  • Fully comprehensive checkup following the operation


  • Dr István Hartyánszky reassured my troubled soul with his exceptional empathy, which I thank him for again, and to the RMC staff for the administration before the examination.
    60-year-old  male patient
  • Dr István Hartyánszky's expertise, kindness – and I could go on listing his good qualities – are exemplary. We encountered a very good man.
    60-year-old  female patient

Doctors from this specialty

Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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