Infertility screening and counselling

Infertility can be primarily linked to either the woman or the man, but always involves them both as a couple, so both are always examined as part of the infertility examination.

Infertility screening and counselling

Infertility treatment is only possible in government-supervised or foreign institutions, but RMC would like to continue to assist its patients wishing to have children through the examinations that proceed the intervention. We can provide the services below in accordance with the needs of our patients.

Who do we recommend this to?

For ladies 

  • Below 35 years of age if a year has passed without conceiving
  • Above 35 years of age if six months have passed without conceiving
  • During planning of the baby if older than 39


If you have an appointment for a fertility clinic

either in Hungary or abroad, if the procedure has been unsuccessful, or if you would like to quickly complete some missing tests.


For patients of infertility clinics outside Hungary

These international clinics generally require certain examinations to be carried out prior to treatment. If you have your blood work and ultrasound examinations done at RMC, you can save yourself the cost of a trip abroad. It is also important to note that those patients who undergo examinations at RMC will benefit from significantly cheaper prescriptions on drugs used for stimulation than they can expect to pay abroad.

What examinations are recommended in the medical guidelines?

Recording of detailed medical history of both partners


Female examination: gynecological examination, (gynaecology: cytology + HPV, chlamydia, vaginal fluid culture test) confirmation of ovulation (folliculometry), ovarian reserve testing (AMH, cycle hormones on day 3 and day 19), other hormone tests: TSH, prolactin 

Female blood work: large routine test, virus serology, vitamin D, TORCH 


Male examination: physical examination (urology/ andrological examination, scrotal ultrasound, semen analysis, culture (urine and ejaculation), STD-6 panel check 
Male blood work: viral serology, FSH, LH, TSH, prolactin, testosterone, testosterone free, vitamin D  
Further andrological tests may be performed, depending on the result of the andrological examination (genetics, endocrinology, sperm functional tests, biochemical tests, testing for infections) 


Other gynecological examinations: 

  • Fallopian tubes permeability test
  • Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonographia (HyCoSy)
  • Chromopertubation during laparoscope
  • Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy with chromopertubation
  • Examination of the shape of the uterine cavity:
    • hysteroscopy or ambulatory hysteroscopy 
    • HSG 
    • HyCoSy or saline sonohysterogramyCoSy or saline sonohysterogram
    • 3D ultrasound 


Immunology examinations:

  • Not included in routine fertility examination 
  • In the event of recurrent miscarriage, testing for antiphospholipid antibodies and thrombophilia is indicated (Level I)  


Genetic examination

  • When the patient has a history of recurrent miscarriage, a karotype test is recommended for both partners
  • If there are genetic abnormalities in the patient's personal medical history or family history, or if there was a severe abnormality in an earlier pregnancy, genetic advice is offered and the possibility of a karotype test may be discussed
  • Karyotype test to be considered after several unsuccessful ART procedures
  • The andrology specialist will decide whether to recommend genetic testing in the event of significant male infertility  


Final consultation, discussion of test results, treatment plan, referral to other specialists

Doctors from this specialty

Any questions before booking an appointment?

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