Same Day Surgery Center

Our doctors’ outstanding education level and practical experience are your guarantee that you’ll receive the same high level of care in outpatient surgery as you’ve become accustomed to in our clinic.

Same Day Surgery Center

This method, which has been common in Western Europe and America for quite some time, greatly reduces the inconvenience of smaller interventions by reducing the amount of time spent in the health care facility to only the duration of the operation itself, while the patient spends the recovery time at home. We have outfitted our operating room with the most modern medical equipment, which naturally also meets the standards of the strictest Hungarian regulations.

Prior to the procedure, the operating doctor and the anesthesiologist consult with patients and carry out any preoperative tests deemed necessary (lab tests, ECG, etc., as determined by the treating physician). After the operation, patients remain for observation for a minimum of three hours, depending on the procedure, resting in our comfortable recliners. If we find no signs of complications, we release the patient on the same day. Follow-up visits and changing of dressings then take place according to the doctor’s instructions.

We currently perform procedures in the following areas:


  • Hernia surgeries
  • Circumcision

Dermatology: Removal of lipoma, moles

Endocrinology: Thyroid surgery

Ear-nose-throat: Insertion of grommets (tympanostomy tubes)

Plastic surgeries

  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction
  • Ear surgery


  • Genital plastic surgery: corrective surgeries of the labia minor and major
  • Front and/or posterior vaginal wall plastic surgery
  • Endometrial biopsy
  • LOOP
  • Conization (cervix surgery)
  • Removal of cervical polyps
  • Bartholin’s abscess surgery
  • Curettage
  • Removal of condyloma - genital warts
  • Surgical completion of miscarriage
  • Induced abortion using instruments

Vascular surgery (varicose vein surgeries)

Proctological procedures (hemorrhoid surgeries)

Doctors from this specialty

Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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