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Dental check-ups

A dental assessment will determine what treatment is needed to restore or maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Dental check-ups

A thorough examination does not only cover the detection of existing or incipient problems, but also aesthetics, the jaw and the entire oral cavity. Dental hygiene advice and, if necessary, training is a permanent part of the check-up. During the dental check-up, we also carry out an oral cancer screening. It is also worthwhile to have a check-up every six months and to have a professional dental cleaning if necessary for the health and beauty of your teeth.

The investigation will follow the following steps:

  1. First, an extra-oral examination is performed, i.e. we look at the face, neck and compare the two sides.
  2. Then we palpate the neck and the submandibular region, looking for possible enlarged lymph nodes.
  3. Next, the entire mouth is examined, lower, upper dentition, gums, buccal, floor of the mouth, palate, and then the sublingual region.
  4. Over the age of 40, periodontal status is recorded.
  5. A panoramic photograph is taken in all cases (except pregnant women).
  6. Local radiographs are taken in the case of root canal teeth, if the OP scan shows incomplete root filling or signs of periapical inflammation.
  7. Treatment plan(s) will be prepared after considering all the information. They are prepared either for the whole mouth or for the region of interest and priorities, at the patient's request or in consultation with the patient.


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