School screening packages

Before your child begins school, it’s a good idea to take them for a general health screening.

School screening packages

This is when we can check your child’s general health, rate of development, and status of chronic illnesses, and we can screen in time for several problems that might otherwise only come to light when school performance suffers. In this one-hour visit, our pediatricians examine the child thoroughly, from head to toe, conduct the necessary examinations, and answer questions that are age-specific, or relate to immunization or other techniques for preventing illness.

Basic School Screening Package

  • physical examination "from head to toe "
  • recording complete medical history
  • visual acuity test
  • urinalysis
  • analysis of rate of growth and development
  • immunization survey
  • disease-prevention consulting

Comprehensive School Screening Package

  • physical examination "from head to toe "
  • recording complete medical history
  • full eye exam conducted by ophthalmologist
  • visual acuity test
  • colorblindness screening
  • binocular vision test
  • slit lamp examination
  • urinalysis
  • analysis of rate of growth and development
  • immunization survey
  • disease-prevention consulting

Additionally, we recommend a complex dental screening, which can be conducted in our dental center.

Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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