Women's Screening

Gynecological screening is designed to detect and diagnose the most common malignant diseases in the female body, such as cervical cancer, breast carcinoma, cysts, and more.

Women's Screening

In February, we offer a 10% discount on the price of the gynecological screening package!


Discounted price: 83,700 HUF


The Screening Package includes:

Comprehensive cervical cancer screening:

  • Focused exam
  • Cervical cytology
  • Ultrasound examination
  • HPV screening

Breast cancer screening:

  • Ultrasound breast exam
  • Mammography


A comprehensive breast cancer screening includes both mammography and breast ultrasound since certain changes in breast tissue may only be detectable with one method or the other. The most reliable diagnostic results come from combining both examinations.


When should you go for screening?

Comprehensive cervical cancer screening:

  • every 3 years
  • over the age of 25, until the age of 65

Breast cancer screening:

  • over 30: if there are complaints, if the family history is positive or after giving birth between 35 and 40:
  • basic examination over 40: every year
  • over 65: every two years (or yearly, if the family history is positive or if hormones are being taken)

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Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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