Postpartum checkup

An OB/GYN checkup is recommended 6 weeks after childbirth, where the doctor checks retraction of the uterus, the condition of the external genitalia, vagina, and in the case of a cesarean section, the condition of the incision scar, as well.

Postpartum checkup

After every delivery it is important to check whether the uterus is retracting sufficiently, and that no fluid is stagnating in the uterus. An integral part of the visit is discussion of contraception options, with special attention to the options while breastfeeding.

It’s essential to stress that if any problem arose during pregnancy such as for example gestational diabetes or thyroid dysfunction, then after delivery it must be checked again to determine whether the problem persists after the pregnancy or not. There will be a checkup blood draw, the results of which will determine whether any medication treatment can be discontinued. It must be stressed that in the case of metabolic diseases, the risk of developing the disease grows several times, even outside of pregnancy, so the options for lifestyle changes needed to avoid the disease must be looked into. Internist, endocrinologist, and diabetologist specialists can help with this.

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