Pediatric Allergy

Allergy symptoms can appear in anyone at any age, but there are some forms of allergy that are age specific.

Pediatric Allergy

In infancy, allergies present themselves with dermatological and digestive symptoms, in small children in the form of asthma attacks, and in older children with hay fever. Our pediatric allergist identifies the allergens causing symptoms by using a variety of examinations. This rules out diseases with symptoms that mimic allergies and allows the best treatment options to be explored.

Symptoms that require an allergist:

  • Diarrhea without fever in infants
  • Rashes (hives, edema, unidentified redness), itchiness
  • Sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itching of the nose, eyes and palate
  • Shortness of breath, breathlessness, wheezing
  • Coughing without a fever
  • Exercise and laughter-induced coughing, or coughing following meals or after playing an instrument
  • Respiratory, dermatological or digestive symptoms after taking medicines or meals
  • Acute allergic reactions to insect stings

Examinations available at our clinic:

  • Test for airborne and food allergens (skin test, laboratories)
  • Laboratory tests
  • Breath tests (lactose, lactulose, fructose)
  • Helicobacter infection screening from stool (equivalent of H2 breath test)
  • Celiac test (Biocard rapid test)
  • Peak flow (asthma screening)
  • Spirometry (asthma examination)


Our specialist chooses the most appropriate treatment based on the results of the examinations. Our clinic provides the most modern method of treatment available. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) is able to identify the cause of an allergy in addition to the symptoms. It can be performed above the age of 5 years, following an allergy examination and test.

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