
In most cases, orthodontic treatment is needed when the position of the teeth and/or jawbones is not correct, so their aesthetics and function are not harmonious.


In children, it is very important that, in addition to the aesthetics of the teeth, the growth direction of the jawbones can be addressed in time, thus shortening the duration and possibly the need for subsequent treatments.

In adults, various orthodontic procedures can also help to correct teeth that have fallen in or out of place due to an old missing tooth, in addition to achieving a more beautiful smile. They can also help prevent periodontal disease by placing teeth in a more favourable position for easier cleaning.

At our dental centre, you can choose between two types of orthodontic treatment: 

For both systems, it is important to stress the importance of proper quality and frequency of care of the appliances and teeth!

At RMC Dental Center, D.D. Gabriella Nagy and D.D. Zsuzsanna Homola are our experienced orthodontic specialists who assist our patients in making decisions regarding the selection of the appropriate appliances, they also teach the proper cleaning methods and sequence for the specific appliance, ensuring that our patients can fully enjoy their new, perfect, and cavity-free smile at the end of the treatment!

Frequently asked questions: 

  • Even as young as infancy, it may be necessary to use removable devices to eliminate certain bad habits!
  • At the onset of adolescence (around 10 years), during an intense phase of development, the growth of the jawbones can be directed in the desired direction.
  • In adults, in addition to aesthetic or prosthetic reasons, the treatment of joint problems is also one of the objectives.
  • Correction of abnormal bite patterns: deep, open, edge, cross bite
  • correction of speech defects
  • with the help of a speech and language therapist: cessation of bad habits in childhood (e.g. finger sucking), tongue thrust swallowing, mouth breathing
  • guiding the development of the facial skull in the ideal direction
  • developing an ideal bite height to protect the joint
  • fewer carious teeth for easier cleaning
  • faster results due to easier tooth movements, but the difficulty is that the final dentition is not yet formed, so the process itself is less predictable
  • healthy, well-arranged, beautiful teeth play an important role in facial harmony
  • Improving quality of life
  • Correction of abnormal bite shapes: deep, open, edge, cross bite
  • jaw joint problems: clicking, pain, lateral deviation
  • in case of old missing teeth, correction of the axis of impacted or outgrown teeth for future replacement
  • in the case of a tooth deficiency, it is possible to fit a denture during the treatment period
  • Teeth with a proper axis supply are easier to clean, thus also emphasising the tooth-retaining role of the treatments
  • in patients with periodontal disease, a more ideal position can be achieved to achieve a more favourable load, which ensures a healthier periodontium
  • easier in many cases than in children because of the final state of the dentition, but slower in terms of tissue reactivity, which becomes negative with age
  • patience and cooperation from the patient
  • rehabilitation of the oral cavity prior to treatment: treatment of cavities, removal of wisdom teeth...
  • regular professional cleaning
  • proper oral care at home
  • attendance at the prescribed visits
  • attendance at additional treatments (speech therapist, chiropractor) if necessary
  • wearing the appropriate retention appliance at the end of the treatment
  • Treatment requires proper oral hygiene and healthy, non-inflammatory gums.
  • Regular in-office professional dental hygiene treatment, including removal of tartar above and below the gums and polishing!
  • Special steps in home oral care:
    • In the case of a fixed appliance, the appliance must be thoroughly cleaned from all directions, as its surfaces are particularly plaque-retentive. It is very important to choose the right toothbrush (both normal and knotted bristles), toothpaste and mouthwash (high fluoride content), floss and toothbrushes.
    • For removable appliance users, in addition to traditional oral care, it is important to clean the trays with a toothbrush and occasionally disinfect them in special cleaning tablet water.
    • Don't forget to clean the back of the tongue!
  • And after treatment, whitening the teeth can enhance the aesthetic experience!

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