In children, it is very important that, in addition to the aesthetics of the teeth, the growth direction of the jawbones can be addressed in time, thus shortening the duration and possibly the need for subsequent treatments.
In adults, various orthodontic procedures can also help to correct teeth that have fallen in or out of place due to an old missing tooth, in addition to achieving a more beautiful smile. They can also help prevent periodontal disease by placing teeth in a more favourable position for easier cleaning.
At our dental centre, you can choose between two types of orthodontic treatment:
- Traditional orthodontic appliances - Fixed braces
- Invisalign invisible braces - Removable braces
For both systems, it is important to stress the importance of proper quality and frequency of care of the appliances and teeth!
At RMC Dental Center, D.D. Gabriella Nagy and D.D. Zsuzsanna Homola are our experienced orthodontic specialists who assist our patients in making decisions regarding the selection of the appropriate appliances, they also teach the proper cleaning methods and sequence for the specific appliance, ensuring that our patients can fully enjoy their new, perfect, and cavity-free smile at the end of the treatment!