Here, urologist Dr András Kiss answers the most frequently asked questions about the procedure.
In what cases is circumcision recommended for infants, children and adults?
There are some medical conditions whose treatment clearly calls for removal of the foreskin (for example, in some cases of recurrent urinary tract infections, narrowing of the foreskin, diseases of the skin of the foreskin, etc.). Apart from these, the procedure is most often carried out for hygienic and practical reasons and to avoid later problems. Having the procedure performed may impede the development of cancerous changes in the penis, as well as reduce the chance of certain inflammations occurring.
In the vast majority of cases, the foreskin is completely removed, which is the accepted procedure and causes the fewest problems later on.
Are there any reasons not to carry out the procedure? Who must not or should not have it performed?
Conditions that make the procedure clearly inadvisable include the existence of a congenital abnormality (hypospadiasis) or inflammation of the penis, as well as untreated diabetes and blood clotting disorders.
How painful is the procedure?
The procedure is performed using a scalpel and an electrical device, and of course newborns and infants both feel pain, so we carry it out on them under local anesthesia. The procedure can also be performed later in the patient's life under local anesthesia, but for children we most certainly recommend general anesthesia, which is of course administered by an anesthesiologist with extensive experience at the RMC.
How long is the recovery time?
We assume a recovery time of 2-3 days for newborns and approximately one week for older patients. As with all surgical interventions, this one can involve complications too, which, in addition to an inadequate aesthetic result, might also include inflammation, urethral injury, continued narrowing, and scarring. Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate preparation, practice and impeccable conditions.