Preventive care

The coronavirus has has transformed our lifestyle, our work patterns and our general habits, while it has also been the main focus for healthcare services.

Preventive care

However, not only is COVID-19 itself dangerous, but also the effects of the pandemic. Especially if – due  to an understandable fear of the virus – we put off undergoing screening tests that can save lives through the early diagnosis of chronic and severe diseases.

In other words, now is the time to book your next screening appointment!  

What kind of screening tests do we recommend and with what frequency?​​​​​

  • Under 40 years of age: every two years
  • 40 years and above: once a year
  • if you have a chronic disease or condition (diabetes, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease), your internist can recommend an individual screening program
  • 60-minute physical examination
  • Resting ECG
  • Age-based, sex-based laboratory testing
Internal medicine screening program
  • Under 25 yeasr of age: cytology-based screening once a year, after  first time having sexual intercourse
  • Aged 25-65: cytology + HPV-based screening every three years
  • Aged 65 and above: cytology-based screening every year
Go to gynecological screening package
  • Aged 30 and above: recommended if you have symptoms, if your family has a history of it, if you have given birth
  • Aged 35-40: general examination
  • 40 years and above: once a year
  • aged 65 and above: every two years (once a year if you have a positive family medical history, or if you take hormone treatment)
Further information on radiology
  • Basic examination prior to puberty
  • Every year if aged 18 or above
Go to dermatology
  • Basic check-up and assessment every six months, also includes oral cancer screening
  • Plaque removal once every six months/once a year (according to dentist's advice)
  • Aged 40 and above, assessment of periodontology (periodontal disease) status
Dental screening tests and dental hygiene treatments
  • Basic check-up: at 40 years of age
  • For higher risk groups (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, family history), according to doctor's advice
  • For low risk groups
    • Under 40 years of age: every 5-10 years
    • Aged 40-54: every 2-4 years
    • Aged 55-64: every 1-3 years
    • Aged 65 and above: every 1-2 years
  • If indicated by another disease or condition, according to doctor's advice
  • Examination of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and neck, further examinations if necessary (e.g. cervical ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan, cytology test, histology test):  50-55 years and above
  • People at high risk (smokers, regular alcohol drinkers, people who work with carcinogens and people who have neglected their oral hygiene): 40-45 years once a year and above
  • Hearing test: people who work with persistent and loud noises, have communication disorders, or in the event of hearing loss
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
  • If aged 45 or above, once a year
  • Complex urology examination
  • Complete urine test
  • Determining PSA level

Complex screening packages

It's also a good idea to have a check-up after recovering from a coronavirus infection!

Some symptoms may persist even after your initial recovery, while complications could develop that might increase the severity of any chronic diseases or conditions, as well as impact your general level of well-being. The RMC medical team is available for patients who would like to have a post-COVID examination.

Learn more about what long-term symptoms you may experience and what examinations we recommend post-infection and to whom.

Any questions before booking an appointment?

If you are unsure which doctor to see or what examination you require, we are here to help!

Simply request a free callback from one of our colleagues, who will help you find the right specialist based on your specific issue.

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